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NBSC Freshwater Senior Campus

NBSC Freshwater Senior Campus

The senior campus of the Northern Beaches Secondary College

Telephone02 9905 2634



Printing at School

Printing is available for students at school, via their login to the school computers. You may use the printer in the library for both colour and black and white.

All student accounts start with a $10.00 credit to their printing account.

  • Black and white pages are $0.05 per A4
  • Colour pages are $0.50 per A4

You can check your balance by clicking on the Printer Account icon on a school computer.

Printing credit can be topped up by paying the front office.

If you have work saved at home or have done your work on a Mac, please save it as a PDF and then print it from the school computers. If you save it in a format that is not on the school computers, you may find that the file does not open and you won't be able to print your work.

Printing is also available from BYOD devices when connected to the school WiFi, check out the how-to guides.  The 'how to' guides are available on all school machines, under the help section.

Please do not leave printing to the last minute, as this is not an excuse for handing in an assessment late.