In Stage 6 Chemistry, students explore the chemical properties of substances, chemical reactions and processes, and the interaction of energy and matter. Chemistry attempts to explain and predict events at the atomic and molecular level.
During the course, students will work both as individuals and as members of teams. Group work involves investigations which are used to develop the key competencies of planning and organising activities and working with others.
The course modules are as follows:
Year 11
Module 1: Properties and structure of matter
Module 2: Introduction to quantitative chemistry
Module 3: Reactive chemistry
Module 4: Drivers of reactions
Year 12
Module 5: Equilibrium and acid reactions
Module 6: Acid/Base reactions
Module 7: Organic chemistry
Module 8: Applying chemical ideas
Students are encouraged and supported to use technology as they research current issues and new developments in Chemistry and its implication for our society. We encourage our students to be lifelong learners. For more information click here.