Drama is a dynamic and creative medium that explores the world through enactment.
It is a collaborative art form that involves the creative interaction of individuals using a range of artistic skills. Drama is an important means of understanding, constructing, appreciating and communicating social and cultural values; interpreting, valuing and transmitting the past and traditions, exploring and celebrating the present and imagining the future.
The drama department at Freshwater Senior Campus prides itself on providing a framework for students to develop creativity and effective higher order thinking skills considered essential for further education, work and everyday life.
Through innovative teaching practices with a focus on collaborative learning and the integrated use of technology within the classroom, our experienced Drama teachers provide ongoing opportunities for students to not only acquire skills, as performers and practitioners of theatre, but also as critical responders who can understand how ideas, feelings and attitudes are represented symbolically.
Through classroom practice and public performance experiences in the campus' state of the art 250 seat Performance Theatre with professional stage production facilities, our students learn an appreciation of how to use elements of production to create and enhance dramatic meaning and the dynamic interplay of dramatic elements and audience engagement.
Our goal is to empower students to develop life- long skills such as self-confidence, problem solving and emotional literacy.