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NBSC Freshwater Senior Campus

NBSC Freshwater Senior Campus

The senior campus of the Northern Beaches Secondary College

Telephone02 9905 2634



Science Faculty

Students have many reasons for choosing science in Stage 6. Commonly, it is because science subjects can be pre-cursors to certain tertiary courses of study but with increasingly flexible undergraduate content, students are wisely choosing science courses for their relevance to life beyond school and in pursuit of a wider educational breadth and depth – also because they like Science!

Science at Freshwater is very well resourced with highly skilled, motivated and experienced teaching and technical staff, access to WiFi allows for rich multimedia learning experiences and there are interactive whiteboards in all laboratories and classrooms.

The learning areas are flexible and well-appointed, lending themselves to varied teaching strategies and maximum student participation.

Assessment at Preliminary and HSC level is cumulative with varied task types with an emphasis on connectedness and assessment for learning. There is an ICT component in most tasks, as prescribed by all NESA Science syllabi.

Course Offered

In Years 11 and 12, students can choose from different 2 unit science disciplines, including:

Note* It is possible to choose up to 6 units of Science