The aims of the syllabus are to develop:
- ability to use German to communicate with others
- understanding and appreciation of the cultural contexts in which German is used
- ability to reflect on a student's own culture(s) through the study of other cultures
- understanding of language as a system
- ability to make connections between German and English and/or other languages
- cognitive, learning and social skills
- potential to apply German to work, further study, training or leisure.

Prescribed themes
- The individual: enables students to explore aspects of their personal world, for example, personal identity, education and aspirations and leisure and lifestyles.
- The German-speaking communities: explores topics from the perspective of groups within those communities and encourages students to reflect on their own and other cultures.
- The changing world: enables students to explore change as it affects aspects of the world of work and other topics, such as youth issues and tourism and hospitality.
This comprehensive 2 unit course takes students to a highly proficient level of speaking, listening, reading and writing within the prescribed theses. Extension German in Year 12 is also an option for highly motivated students, and some students continue their study at university. The teacher is highly experienced in this subject as an HSC examiner, marker and judge.
Students of German have travelled to Austria on several occasions for a homestay immersion experience in Kremsmunster (upper Austria), near Salzburg. The opportunity to travel to countries such as Austria, clearly further enhances language skills and gives students the opportunity to interact meaningfully using the target language with their host students and families. Our student exchange program is thriving and the cultural and linguistic awareness that results, leads to deep knowledge and understanding of both the target language and the cultural background of the country visited.
A popular excursion annually for all students of German is to the Lowenbrau Keller Restaurant in The Rocks, where they can engage in a linguistic and cultural "authentic" German experience.